Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ConBC #11 Anything Goes with featured BINGO card + #10 Winners and Top Picks

Did anyone else sing "SANTA" to the tune of "Bingo" during December?
I did!! Our honorary granddaughter is almost 34 months and she loves to clap and jump to the song videos like S-A-N-T-A. S-A-N-T-A....

Hey everybody and welcome back to Christmas [or not] BINGO Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We loved seeing your amazing BINGO-inspired projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! 

A special thank you to Leslie for starting this specialty Christmas (and now including other occasions) bingo-style challenge about 80 weeks ago! Thanks to her creative vision, leadership, and excellent artistry shared during that time! Best wishes!

So now let's announce our winners and top picks from #10/December 2024's thirty-four entries!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#9 Suzanne Reynolds
Congrats, Suzanne, you've won a prize from Polkadoodles! Please choose either Desert CactusCoral Mermaid Clamshell or Magician Wanda digital image and email Becca at beccasheartland at gmail dot com with your selection.

#18 The Crafty Den

And our TOP PICKS are
#2 pinky
#13 ~DEANNE~
#19 Nicola Gold
#27 Scrappy Horses

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge from the page section in the sidebar and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme is always anything goes with the featured BINGO card. Choose one letter in the word BINGO and use at least three items in that column on your project. You must state in your blog post the column and the specific items used. This is not your typical BINGO card where you go up and down, left and right and diagonally. To make this more fun, you can only go up and down using the columns. There is a FREE space in each column that you are welcome to utilize if you'd like. You cannot mix and match columns - you can only use one column under one letter. 

BINGO CARD GRAPHIC for #11/January 2025

And now for some awesome BINGO-inspired creativity...

Column O: rectangle, stitching, free (die-cuts, foil, vellum), twine, print paper



Column G: Valentine, red, free, gems, die-cuts



column I: square, layers, free (die-cut), stamped image and sentiment



Column O: rectangle, faux stitching, free (die-cuts, gems), twine, patterned papers



Column B: Christmas, green, button and clipart image


Column N: gold, wire, free (pink) sequins, stenciling


Thank you team for amazing interpretations for each column! 



Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs (updates to Becca's challenge blogs coming soon)! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 12:00 AM Central Time/Chicago on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and play some BINGO with us!


brilliant - inspiring - notable - gorgeous - outstanding


Link-up tool = 


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